Friday 17 May 2013

Testing 3+ Exp @ Wipro

Tower : PES
·         Test Engineer – Network

·         Lead Test Engineer
ER Special Scheme
ER Benefit (As per policy)
Double Referral Scheme
US $1500
US $3000

*Employees who refer between 30th April 2013 to 1st June 2013 are eligible for the Special Referral Benefits.
The Highlights of the Revised Employee Referral Policy are:
ü  Ease of Referral
Besides referring online through WipLinks, you can now refer by sending an SMS or just by E-mailing your Employee ID  along candidate’s resume to
· for all offshore referrals
· for all onsite referrals

ü  Onsite Referrals  
Offshore employees referring to onsite requirements will now receive onsite benefits instead of offshore benefits.
ü  Referral Eligibility
Contract Staff will now be eligible to refer and receive Standard Employee Referral benefits as defined in the existing policy
ü  Ex-employee Referral
You will now be eligible to receive referral benefits for referring Ex-Employees of Wipro.
ü  Early Rewards
·         You will now earn referral benefits in the same month that the candidate joins provided their joining is before the 20th of the month.
·         If the referred candidate joins after the 20th of the month, referral benefits will be processed in the following month along with the payroll.

ü  Special Referrals
We have introduced special referral benefits to boost referrals from you
·         Referrals from Tier 1 Companies – Additional incentive of 25% on Standard referral benefits will be applicable if referrals are received from Tier 1 Companies.
·         WOW Effect – Adding to the WOW diversity factor, additional incentives of 25% on Standard Referral benefits will be applicable for referring women employees.

ü  Onsite Payment Cycle
Referral Benefits for employees at onsite locations will be processed along-with the ‘pay-cycle 2’ in a given month.

Please refer to the revised Employee Referral Policy on myWipro>WipLinks

For further queries, you’re welcome to contact us at or log a service connect ticket.

Again, we thank you for partnering with us in building a strong workforce at Wipro Technologies and we encourage you to bring in friends and acquaintances with whom you have interacted personally.
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